Wednesday, 26 July 2017




We live in a world where everything comes and go, a place we can call HOME, our SANCTUARY……
We are governed, ruled by ones we choose to lead us…… Trusting them to make that long awaited change we all so much taste for.. A better society, a better home for our kids, a better and promising future… EARTH, the Mother that holds us all in one big embrace, bringing us together to interact, work, trust, and love… but with it all comes it’s bitter truth that lurks beneath.
 There is a lot of talk about drugs in the world-on the streets, at school, on the internet. Some of it true, some not…. We get most of our view on drugs from those selling the… What we need to know is that, most sellers would say anything to get us to buy from ‘em…
     We need facts, lectures to avoid becoming hooked on drugs and to help others around us prevent or stop addiction on drugs….
We at WTGH(#wewritetogivehope) hope this article on drugs will help us in understanding drugs and its effects…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

One of the most commonly abused drugs are the prescription drugs. Most teens and young adults are found to be more involved in the abuse of prescription drugs, with National Studies showing that a teen is more likely to abuse prescription drugs than an illegal drug dealer… We all think prescription drugs are safe because they were prescribed by a doctor, which is true, but taking them for non-medical reasons in other to get high can just be as dangerous and addictive as taking illegal streets drugs, with various risk involved. These drugs are only safe when taken for the right reasons alone…. Some of this abused prescription drugs include OXYCONTIN, DEMEROL, DEXEDRINE(stimulants),and ROXANOL….. Going to your friend who has no medical knowledge for opinions on drugs to use just plain dangerous, involving deaths….
Stimulants basically increases our ALERTNESS and ENERGY….. The most commonly used streets drugs in this category include COCAINE and AMPHETAMINES as they mostly increase the strength and agility of it’s taker, mostly crushed and snorted… Here are some of its SHORT-TERM EFFECTS
Ø  Exhaustion
Ø  Depression
Here are some of its LONG-TERM EFFECTS
Ø  Irregular Heartbeat
Ø  Dangerously High Body Temperature


These drugs include PROZAC, PAXIL, CELEXA,, and ZOLOFT… They come in multi coloured  capsules and tablets…. Study shows that 14% of teens who take antidepressants become aggressive and violent. It also gave various examples of extreme and irrational behavior from individuals on these drugs… Example of a Man who drowned himself and his two kids in a bathtub. Effects include

Ø  Insomnia
Ø  Violent thoughts and actions
Ø  Sweating
Ø  Irregular heartbeat
Ø  Confusion
Ø  Hallucinations
Ø  Nervousness and anxiety
Ø  Suicidal thoughts
Ø  Hostility
Ø  Tremors
Ø  Paranoia
Ø  Akathisia(a painful inner agitation; inability to sit still)
·         In 2006 in the US, 2.6 million people abused prescription drugs for the first time
·         A 2007 survey in the US found out that 3.3% of 12-17 year olds and 6% of 17-25 year olds had abused prescription drugs in the past months
·         In 2005, 4.4. million teenagers in the US admitted taking prescription painkillers, and 2.3 million took prescription stimulants…


Drugs can be really deadly if taken just to get high. Fine it makes you feel good, but it all a slow death gradually working its way up… Medicines are drugs intended to correct what doesn’t feel right in our body, trying to make it better, BUT, too much can or will kill you… Live a drug free life and try to help others involved in it before it gets too late to help… Get facts about drugs before taking them…. Stay Safe, Be Vigilant and Remain Smart…………………….



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